Occasional Member - Level 2

Need to extract First Approval time

Hi All,


I see there is a field in COGNOS database - "First Approved Date" and we have "Creation Date/Time" & "Last Submitted Date/Time".  Do we have the time part of the " First Approved Date" stored anywhere?



Ankit Shah

1 Solution
Occasional Member - Level 2

Raised this with Concur support and below is the response - 


"Currently we do not have a field to provide the first approval date/time however you can pull the required information from the workflow steps action date/time field below :
Expense > Expense Reports > Expense Report Workflow Trail > Step Action Date/Time
You can use the field 'Expense > Expense Reports > Expense Report Workflow Trail > Step' to filter out the data for the required step, for example - Level 1 Approver."

View solution in original post

Super User
Super User

dear @ankit1301 

as far as I am aware there is not option for "time" for approval part in Cognos. I can only suggest one thing, as at the moment i do not have access to the system.

Once you download the report, you can change the format of the cell about date, including time. I wonder if it will give you the same time each time, or is trigger correctly and sync with the system.


I am not sure the reason specific you would like to see the exact time for the approval, but in case you are referring to a specific expense report, you can definetely see that on the Audit Trial of the expense report itself.


Kind Regards

Alessandro Munari
Occasional Member - Level 2

Raised this with Concur support and below is the response - 


"Currently we do not have a field to provide the first approval date/time however you can pull the required information from the workflow steps action date/time field below :
Expense > Expense Reports > Expense Report Workflow Trail > Step Action Date/Time
You can use the field 'Expense > Expense Reports > Expense Report Workflow Trail > Step' to filter out the data for the required step, for example - Level 1 Approver."