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Occasional Member - Level 3

Need help understanding how "City" is "Vendor Details" and how it copies down on manually entries

A user called me and said that on his iPhone, he saw that 'Austin, Texas' was populated under City for all his expense entries for a single expense report. He said that isn't accurate for all of his entries but cannot see where to change or delete that value.

When I switched (as proxy) to view the report, 'Austin, Texas' shows up under column header "Vendor Details" (not City) to the user/submitter; but in the Expense Processor view, it shows up under "City"

Here's what is seen by the user/submitter on the web version:


So, this is a summary view presented to the user, not a form. When checking the field and forms, this field is 'Hidden' from all roles, so that explains why he couldn't see it anywhere to change it or correct it. I realize I can modify the field to make it no longer 'Hidden' (I probably will), but I don't understand how the city value populated on every expense entry. User stated he entered all the entries on the iPhone manually (not using copy of a prior expense). The default behavior of the value is to copy down from expense entry, which I could understand if the user was copying or was choosing 'save and add another' (which also copies down values from the prior entry) but the behavior seems so random as I've found evidence of the same on other reports but inconsistent. I don't understand where the value is derived from in the first place because users are not manually entering a city value since it's a hidden field.

Anyway, we will likely just modify to display the field so users can edit, or just force as always null, but seems to me that the web version needs fixed for the column header where it says "Vendor Details" and really should say "City"


Community Manager
Community Manager

@USWsdymerski is the screenshot showing every entry on the user's report? 


The city showing under Vendor is quite a mystery. I would definitely submit that to our Support team.


So, this user at no point ever used Austin as a city for any entry? I've seen the system copy details from one entry to the next, but in order to do this, a user would have had to have entered that selection on some entry. Right? 🙂

Thank you,
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Occasional Member - Level 3

The screenshot is every entry on the report. None of our users can manaully enter City because the field is Hidden, so there's no way he entered it on even one entry. He was sitting in the airport waiting for a flight in Austin, Texas when he started working on his expense report. We have Travel and Expense linked, and the mobile app settings usually have the app linked to/having permission to access Location, so somehow the city value got populated but it was not by the user. And he confirmed he did not use the copy function for expense, but if there is "save and add another" then I can see where data from the previous entry could copy down to the next entry (on 'add another') because it does already copy down the transaction date and some other items so I will bet that's how it got populated on some of the other entries. It's still odd because when I looked at other report of other users, City did populate on some of the Hotel expense entries where the attached receipt was a photograph of a paper receipt, but city didn't populate at all if the receipt was uploaded from a file (the receipt being a file not a photo). But it's inconsistent with photo receipts, so I am not really sure how City is populating at all if the entries are manual and out-of-pocket. Anyway, I have a request out to my team to change the behavior of the field to not copy down and change the default value to blank, and probably set the Employee Role access to Editable.

It is a very odd behavior I was just wondering if anyone else had ever heard of it. But, yes I will enter a support case about it showing up under header "Vendor Details" on the web


Occasional Member - Level 3

As a follow up, I got the OK to change the default value, but for some reason YESTERDAY I had 3 options in the dropdown for Default Value Type on the Field "City" for form type Expense Entry. the 3 options were None, Copy Down, and Constant. And when I chose constant I was able to set a default value. TODAY, I went in to make the change to have it be a constant value of <blank> BUT the dropdown options are now just None and Copy Down. I have NO IDEA what changed between yesterday and today, so I ended up just changing the default to None. If it persists to put a value in there from 'we don't know where' then we'll probably just deactivate the field (if it won't cause havoc with our link to Travel). Thanks for your support on this