Occasional Member - Level 2

Need assistance creating a formula to add 30% to the Amount on the Expense Entry Form

Hello - I would like to get a formula working on the Expense Type Formulas section. Essentially we need the user to enter the transacted amount and then when the Expense posts it adds 30% to that amount (to include tax & tip). We have tried result = TA * 1.3 and it is not calculating the amount in the extract.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@amongeon what expense type are you working on?

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 2

Alcoholic Beverages.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@amongeon you might find this guide helpful to figure out how to write the formula:


Scroll to page 34 of the document: Basic Formulas. This should get you what you need.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 2

Thanks - I have used that guide and unfortunately have been unsuccessful in getting the amounts to calculate. Not sure if it is an issue with spacing or not using the proper acronyms (TA vs PA).

SAP Concur Employee
SAP Concur Employee

Hi @amongeon 


These formulas cannot increase the amount the user enters into the amount field, they can only decrease it. This is much the same as the system does not allow an approver to manually increase the amount due to the user, only decrease it.


The workaround is to create a custom form for this expense type and have the user enter their amount into a custom field. You can then create a formula that looks like this: result_t = CX * 1.3 where CX is the custom field number you are using to capture the user input.



Grant Chase - Senior Product and Solution Learning Specialist - SAP Learning
Occasional Member - Level 2

Hi @GrantC ,

Thank you for the reply. I definitely understand what you are saying. I have attempted the solution you mention above however since we only want to capture this in the Itemization Wizard we are unable to add the custom field to the Wizard. If we create a unique form and use it only on the Itemization Form we can add the custom field however it only shows up after the amount is added in the wizard then the user has to re-edit the Itemization and then the custom field is available to enter. I am not sure if the users would think to re-edit the data after it is saved the first time to enter the amount. 

