Occasional Member - Level 1

How do you download a report for a period of time with all of your direct reports for a period

Hi, looking for instructions on how to run a report by entering a start and end date, that lists the names of my direct reports with the date they submitted the expense report and the total amount of the expense report.  Would like to have the capability to download as excel.

As an example:

1. Would like to enter in June 1st, 2021 through June 16th 2021 as the 2 week period

2. Run the report so it shows--- (1) All of my direct reports names, the date they submitted within the 2 week period, and the total dollar amount.

3. Export the above information in to Excel so I may analyze the data or perhaps sort in alphabetical order by all submitter's last name.


Your help is greatly appreciated.


Community Manager
Community Manager

@jthwrh The report you are looking for can be built using Cognos reporting. However, you need to have the correct permission assigned to your Concur profile to be able to build reports using Cognos. You would need to request access from your internal Concur site administrator. I checked your profile and you currently do not have the correct permission. I'm going to send you a private message here on the Community with a name of someone at your company that should be able to help you. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 3

I agree we cannot give access to all of the admins on campus to run queries due to restricted info however they should be able to download their own information as needed. It seems like having the ability to download for a specified period of time or even all report history in their profile should be a simple fix just add an excel tool and make them happy. Happy end users make happy users. Please think about this in future upgrades it would be a real win win.