Occasional Member - Level 1

Help. Rebooking Airfare expense not the same price. How expense?

Help. I booked Airfare but then had to cancel and rebook for another date. The second booking was less expensive than the first by about $150 USD. In my SAP Concur, it shows both payments, one as "Pending Card Transaction" and one as "Americas T&E Cards". The amount should not be added together but subtracted from the total. How do I show this in SAP Concur since the money for the first airfare booking went towards the cost of the second airfare booking? Thank you!

Community Manager
Community Manager

@burret3 the item showing as Americas T&E Cards, is this the amount of the new airfare or the amount of the airfare that was canceled? Don't worry about the pending item for now. 🙂 It is likely just the new air itinerary item, it isn't a card charge. 


I'll await your reply. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

@KevinD the Americas T&E Cards was the amount for the airfare that was canceled. It has been since 03-Aug-2022 that the new airfare was pending and I was unable to move forward with reporting the expense due to the pending card transaction.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@burret3 So, you already submitted the original airfare expense on your PDI Flight Expense report. Since the new airfare was less, you shouldn't have any other airfare expense coming in.


My question is...where is the $178.80 that was left over from the new booking? I think it might be stored as a credit with the airline. I suggest calling your travel agency to see if that is the case. 


I think you are all good since the new airfare was less and you already submitted the original airfare. Since funds from the original airfare purchase were used to cover the new airfare, which was less, there wouldn't be any new charge to your Americas T&E Card. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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