Occasional Member - Level 2

Financial posting failed

Hello everyone, 

i hope everything goes well for you 

I’ve submitted my hotel expense report , my manger approved it , but I’ve found this notification : 

⚠️Financial posting failed , check audit trail for detailed error messages 

Checking audit trailer : I have this description : 

posting failed. 063 (CTE _FIN_POSTING ) : No Vendor found for Concure employee ID 


what should I do ? 

Thanks in advance 

Community Manager
Community Manager

@Roze sending you a private message here on the community. Check the little envelope icon here in a minute or two.

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SAP Concur Community Manager
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New Member - Level 1

Hi Kevin - I'm having the same issue as above. Can you help please? 

Community Manager
Community Manager

@Nar_Rana Just sent you a private message with a contact. Check the little envelope icon. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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New Member - Level 1

same issue

thank you

Occasional Member - Level 2

Thank you 🙏 KevinD

I will keep you informed 

New Member - Level 1

Hi KevinD,

I am having the same issue as above. Could you help please? 

New Member - Level 2

I am having the same problem.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@Tanja11 please scroll up this thread to see my response to the previous people posting on this topic.

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SAP Concur Community Manager
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New Member - Level 2

hello Kevind hope you can help me out I’m having the same issue 

@joncolon1217 is it the same error message as stated above in this thread about the Vendor ID? If so, your company's internal SAP Concur site admin will need to fix this. It isn't an issue I can fix. 


If you don't know who to reach out to, look in the Company Notes section of the SAP Concur home screen. If you don't have a Company Notes section, your site admin is likely in the Finance, Payroll, Accounting or IT department. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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New Member - Level 1

Can you please advise as well? I am facing the same issue today. Thank you!

Community Manager
Community Manager

@Marcin you will need to reach out to either your Finance, Accounting or Payroll/HR departments to have them look into the issue. I only can see what you see as far as the failed message. Those in one of the departments listed will need to look into the issue since they are in charge of reimbursements.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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New Member - Level 1

my finance team is unable to provide a solution as they say the posting did not fail.  their solution is to just ignore it.  I would like to remove it as it is frustrating to see on my screen every time i log in

New Member - Level 1

i am having the same issue - can you assist?

Frequent Member - Level 1

dear @Roze @paulowalter @jbdelabre @KevinD 

I am curious of the solution you got. As per my past experience this was happening rarely but happening once there was a broken link between Concur and the ERP system, mainly if the account set up for the expenses was closed on the ERP system.

E.g. GL account for Travel meals in Concur for a specific entity wasn't open in the ERP system for the same entity.

I wonder if this is the case as well or there were other reasons. 

Kind Regards

Alessandro Munari
Occasional Member - Level 2

Dear Munari, 

thank you for the interest you have shown in my post. unfortunately, I didn’t yet get the solution , I’ve notified my manager who had notified the financial department in my country , Once get the solution I will share it with pleasure .




Community Manager
Community Manager

To everyone who posted on this thread. Financial posting failures isn't anything I can help with because it means there is either some issue with the user's bank account or there is a disconnect with your company's ERP system and the user's bank account information. The best option is to contact someone in your company's Finance Department and let them know the issue. If you don't know who that might be, look at the audit trail of the expense report to see who the last person was that approved the report. The Processor is usually the last person to approve a report and often Processors are people in either Finance or Accounting departments.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 2

Dear KevinD , 

Thank you for your response , I’ve contact the financial department , I’m waiting for their response. I will let you know about the solution 

thank you again 


New Member - Level 2

I have this issue too

Hi @81058110 ,


each Concur User is assigned a Vendor ID in its Concur Profile.


Vendor ID is needed to create financial postings in you ERP (SAP, Oracle, Navision, SAGE...). Why these postings are needed?

  1. Financial part, expense postings are needed to have your balance sheet up to date.
  2. Reimbursement part, depending on your company reimbursement process, this posting is needed as the reimbursements are carried from the ERP.

Please, check with your Financial & IT Concur Admin, let them know that they have to create your vendor ID and reprocess your expense report.

