Occasional Member - Level 1

Error: 934ddccd-a3df-43ce-8d10-ae81e8fb55ec

I am getting an error : 934ddccd-a3df-43ce-8d10-ae81e8fb55ec

When I am expensing for personal milage I am getting this pop-up

"As a remote employee, you are only able to be reimbursed when you travel on a non-workday or exceed a distance of 50 miles each way. Travel to the airport is reimbursable as you will exceed a distance of 50 miles. Please enter a comment advising why you are requesting reimbursement under 50 miles."

It clearly stated taht Travel to the airport is reimbursable... however when I try to enter a comment that this is indeed to the airport...I get that error code.



Community Manager
Community Manager

@KLindsey I looked up this alert and it is a yellow alert which is only a reminder or warning. I do see you entered two mileage expenses for one of your delegates, so it appears the system is allowing you to save the mileage. Correct?

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

No it is a RED warning alert and will not allow me to enter an explaination.

I get this error every time I try to add a comment.

There was an error saving your expense.

If the problem persists, please contact your company administrator or help desk with the following incident code: 8164d6c5-a711-4111-b69f-ae18b225a88b
Community Manager
Community Manager

@KLindsey whose expense report are you working on? Also, try clearing your browser's cache. I just tested adding a comment in your site and had no issue. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

I am doing an expense report for my boss Kim Caruso. 2 red errors