Occasional Member - Level 1

Duplicate Attendees Error

I keep running into the problem where I am importing a list using the excel file provided and getting duplicate attendees errors. I then have to go through and fix all of them. Sometimes my sheet is 400 attendees long and there are over 250 duplicates. This is time consuming and frustrating. Is there something that can be done so that every time I upload a new excel document for an event it doesn't end up with a bunch of duplicates?

Community Manager
Community Manager

@kpong the attendees that are showing as duplicates...have you added them to a previous expense report? If so, that is likely what is causing the issue. You can pull any previously added attendee from the list of Favorites. When you do an import or add an attendee manually that is not an employee, it creates a record in SAP Concur. So, if any of these people were previously added, you will get that message.


Does that make sense?

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

Hi @KevinD  - Yes, they were all on previous reports and are all employees. I went and deleted all the favorites and now ALL of the people from the uploaded list are showing as duplicates which is now 463 people. Is there a better solution for this??

Community Manager
Community Manager

@kpong first thing I would say is, do not include people on your import list that you know you have previously added to an expense report. That is the reason for having the Favorites option, It keeps a record of previously added attendees for you to easily access so you don't have to recreate the attendee. Just pull from the Favorites list. You can select multiple people at one time and add all the selected attendees at once.


Second, I would like to see your import list and how you are adding fellow employees. I don't recommend adding employees to an import list because their record already exists in the system and you can pull them from there, to avoid any possible duplicate messages. Also, on the import list, if you add an employee using the wrong Attendee Type code, will likely cause a duplicate.


If you send me a private message, you can attach your import list to the message. Look for the Drag and drop here or browse files to attach option. If that doesn't work, let me know.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 3

Hi Kevin - in our process we have a Meetings team where there may be multiple people with expenses for the same event.  The first person uploads the file to import attendees and then another user with different charges for the same event cannot upload the same file.  There has to be a solution for this, I just had a user have to manually fix 143 attendees for 2 transactions because a peer had already uploaded the same file.


Ideally the import of attendees should recognize if already exist, and not treat them as "new" attendees every time.  When you have events with that many people you cannot look to your favorites list to add them one-by-one.