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Occasional Member - Level 2

Cost object approval import



in our configuration we use the cost object approval workflow, that is imported via record 710, but when we need to change the cost object approver for a existing cost object  is mandatory to upload the record 760 (in order to delete the old approver)? Or we can upload the record 710 with the record 100 setted as REPLACE?

Actually we are working with the record 100 (WITH REPLACE) + 710 but the result is a double approver for one cost object (the old one and the new one)


Thanks in advance 


Community Manager
Community Manager

@ITALOBELMATT I sent your question to a colleague. Here is his response:


Importing a 710 with a new person as the COA approver will update the record for the existing person.  It will just add the new person.  If they have a lot of changes to be made, I would import the 760 and then the 710 as a normal import.  Remove the original approver and then add the new approver.  If they don’t have many to change, I would do it in the UI and not run the imports.


I hope this helps.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

Hi, Can I send just the Cost Object in the 760 to delete all Approver records relating to that Cost Object; and then send the new Approvers in the 710? I currently just store the current Approvers against the C.O. - so when these are updated in my source system - at that point - I don't have details of the previous Approvers which I need to send in the 760 to delete. Thanks.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@JasonF I had to ask a colleague about this. Here is the answer I received:

"All the required fields for the import would need to be entered, this means as a minimum requirement the trx type, approval type and employee id would be needed to delete the cost object approvers. It doesn't work the other way around as in delete the cost object to then remove associated approvers."

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

Thank you for the info Kevin.  In that case - could I call the API to get either a full list of current approvers in Concur or get the approvers for a given cost object? That way - I could then send back the approvers in the 760 and then my new approvers in the 710 - with a cut down list of Delta updates. Thanks again.

Hi @JasonF : If you have Cognos enabled for your system, then you can get the list of Cost Object approvers via standard reports. You can get the Approvers via API's as well.

Occasional Member - Level 1

Hi @jyotesh519 - thanks for your reply - I'll check on Cognos. Where's the documentation for the API calls please - tried searching but can't find anything. Thanks

Hi @JasonF I have confirmed about the API by keeping the Authorized Approvers in mind. But i need to research for the exact API for Cost Object approver. I would recommend you to open a case to Concur for checking further from API side. 


But i am sure you can Fetch the data which you are looking for via Cognos Reports. 


Using the reports will not be an automatic solution correct? I believe I have the same problem, and the issue is, when data change (e.g. Line Manager) I'm able to send the new manager from the HRIS on that date, but I'm not able to send a deletion record with the old manager.. So ideally, we should be able to delete all and rewrite all, automatically.

Occasional Member - Level 1

Hi - new to Concur

I wanted to reach out here as you were on the right track on how to correct your Approval Levels when it changes.

We were able to successfully keep our Levels in check by including the 760 Transaction Type. So our file looks as such




760,EXP,<EMP ID>,<Segment1>,<Segment2>,<Segment3>,<Segment4>,<Segment5>,<Segment6>,<Segment7>,<Segment8>,<Segment9>,<Segment10>




760 essentially wipes out all the entire Approval Levels and the 710 transactions restores with any new updates.


Hope this helps!