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Occasional Member - Level 2

Concur Outage History

I am looking for Concur outage history for a rolling 12 months. I can only get a couple of weeks of outage history from the Concur service status dasboard.  Is anyone saving this detail or have a way to pull it? 


Routine Member - Level 2

Hi Phil,

Not sure if there's a way to pull it from Concur Open, but if you subscribe to the updates, you could just save all the emails? I'm subscribed to the updates and just have a filter to auto-label incoming emails so that they're all in a single folder in my email. This way, I can go back if necessary, and see any outages.

Not a perfect system, but it does capture the OPI number, extent of the outage, date of the outage, and resolution. This would essentially be all the information available on that site, just not organized in a nice visual grid.

Hope this helps!

Occasional Member - Level 2

Hey Josh - Thanks for the response. I am not thrilled about saving all their email but that might have to be my go forward solution. 




Routine Member - Level 2

True, it is a rather clunky solution.

I would actually suggest putting that as a feature request in the Solution Suggestions section of Concur's support site. I'm almost certain Concur has that data somewhere, and having it accessible to admins would be a nice feature. Recently, I've seen some of the suggestions that other users put on that area come to fruition on the site, so I'd say give it a shot!

New Member - Level 1

I have a screen shot of May 1 back to April 12 if that is of any assistance.

Routine Member - Level 2

Hey @philbaker,

The new Personalized Concur Open just rolled out today, and as a part of it, the past 2 years of outage data is included. Just go to and click the 'Log in to Personalized Concur Open' button on the top right to access it. Login with your Concur credentials and you should be good to go.2018-09-11_14-32-31comm.png






The historical data can be viewed by using the 'View Service Status History' link on the bottom left of the page. Cheers!

Frequent Member - Level 1

I do like @Josh, but have you noticed the personalized only shows the country you're in? Maybe I'm the only one with that issue. Since I help all of our Concur sites, I like being able to see all the data. 

I am happy they did roll it out, though, I will look at it more indepth tomorrow. And agreed, I do save all of their emails in the same folder for outages. 2 years history is a big step forward.


Travel and Expense System Administrator
SAP Concur Employee
SAP Concur Employee

Hi @JessicaL - It's not showing the country you're in, but instead it shows your organization's (entity-based) Data Center. SAP Concur has three data centers: United States, Paris and China data centers.

An entity is only on one data center, which is most likely the US one since it is our largest one. So even your users in other countries would be impacted by the US Data Center.

- Clay Thompson @ SAP Concur
Frequent Member - Level 1

Thanks, Clay!

Travel and Expense System Administrator