Occasional Member - Level 3

Concur Accrual Report

Our accrual is off every month and no one seems to understand why.  I'm trying to understand exactly what information is being pulled into the accrual report.  For example,  on 10/5 I ran the report with an accrual date of 10/3.  What exactly does that date mean?  If there were imports received on 10/4, would they be included?  I need to have a better understanding of what data is actually included in that report.  Can anyone help?

1 Solution
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@kallen51465 yes it would be included if the import happens before the data warehouse archive runs. the Archive usually kicks off around 9pm. I think it is based on your local time, but it might be 9pm PST since a lot of our servers are in the Pacific time zone.

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SAP Concur Community Manager
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Community Manager
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@kallen51465 The Expense Accrual report shows all of your company's outstanding liabilities. These are all out of pocket expenses and credit card transactions that are either unassigned to an expense report or are assigned to an expense report that has not yet been approved. 


I hope this helps.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 3

Thank you Kevin.  I'm probably making this more complicated than it needs to be, but if on 10/5 I choose an accrual date of 10/3, what IS that date?  Transactions received but not submitted as of 10/3?  So that would mean that any imports to Concur that were received after 10/3  would be excluded from the report?  Is that correct?

@kallen51465 if you select 10/3 as the date, it will accrue all expenses with transaction dates up to that date. Now, keep in mind that if a transaction uploads to SAP Concur on 10/3, it will not be included as the Reporting Data Warehouse updates every night, so a good rule of thumb is to add one day to the accural date you choose to make sure yesterday's data was included. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 3

Thank you!  That does help.  So if our import processes on 10/3 at 8:00 EST would it be included if it arrives before the Reporting Data Warehouse updates?  What time does that normally occur?


Community Manager
Community Manager

@kallen51465 yes it would be included if the import happens before the data warehouse archive runs. the Archive usually kicks off around 9pm. I think it is based on your local time, but it might be 9pm PST since a lot of our servers are in the Pacific time zone.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 3

Thank you!  I appreciate all of the information....very helpful.