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Hi Team,
I have noticed that Company card admin page under Administration->Company->Tools is showing a blank page. Is this something common issue for everyone? If yes why is it so? Any maintenance going on?
Company card admin page is blank
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This is the same for me too!
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So glad that I'm not alone. I'll be opening a ticket with Concur Support if this doesn't magically re-appear in the next hour or two.
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I'm having the same issue. Glad it's not just me!
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Yes, it's a known issue (I called this morning as well). There is no ETA for the fix yet. Hopefully, more information will be sent out from Concur soon.
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And yet hours later there is no mention of it in Concur Open.
Isn't this what Concur Open is for?
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I believe Concur Open is for things like Travel, Expense and Invoice as far as the end-user functions are concerned. For example, is the travel booking tool down, are people not able to get into their expense reports. The reason is because end-users are a majority and the outages are for things affecting the most users.
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If Concur open is for end users than we need an equivalent page for Admins. Not only is up to 100% of our job dependant on this - we also answer inquiries for all our employees.
Although we tell our employees about Concur Open - it seems they don't make a note of it. Concur is something they do once a month or once a week. They don't want that much involvement.
For my team this information is critical.
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I just checked, and in my instance it is now back.
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Mine is back now as well.
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i too had the same issue but just checked again on my own and it is now working correctly
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I am having the same issue and I can now search for cards but I still can't assign cards so I don't think it completely resolved. Has anybody been able to assign cards.
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Hi Jocelyn!
I assigned some cards a few minutes ago. It took some seconds in loading, but it was possible for me.
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I was able to assign a card this morning, so you may want to try again.