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Occasional Member - Level 2

Changing ledger at the report header level

Hello everyone,


I have a question regarding ledgers and cost centers in Concur.


I have 1 user that needs to post to 2 different cost centers under 2 different ledgers. 

Is it possible to change the ledger at the report header level for this purpose ?

I tried but even with the employee being able to "Modify" the field in the form setup, the ledger stays gray out when creating a new report.


We tried using the allocation features beforehand but came into the same issue with the ledger being unmodifiable.


I hope you can help me with that.


Thank you and have a nice day,


SAP Concur Employee
SAP Concur Employee

Hi @lenydasilva, It is not possible to change the ledger at the report header.


You can set an account code for each Expense Type within a Ledger. To set up multiple account codes for each Expense Type, you need to have multiple Ledgers, or a Ledger with multiple sub-ledgers. Please open a case with Support if you would like sub-ledgers created. They will need to be driven by a list (such as your company org structure list), and each sub-ledger will be linked to a List Item.




    This icon is a single level ledger: users assigned to this ledger in their profile will only have access to a single set of account codes



      This icon is a ledger containing sub-ledgers and driven by a hierarchy: users assigned to this ledger in their profile will have access to multiple account codes, based on the value in the hierarchy field (for example Department or Cost Center)

Sub-ledger hierarchy is set under Administration > Expense > Accounting Administration > Accounting Structure, and must be done by Concur Support

Best wishes,

SAP Concur

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Occasional Member - Level 2

Hi Andras,


Thanks a lot for the clear answer.


In our case, we have 4 ledgers per expense type, meaning there are 4 account codes per expense type.


Could we create for each ledger, sub-ledgers that contains the 3 other Account codes ? Would then a user be able to change the account code of an expense type from his original ledger to another one he would select in the Allocation feature ? 


I know it is confusing so I attached a screenshot below of the accounting structure I'm thinking about. I did it for 3 legders.


Let me know what you think.


Have a nice day,


Frequent Member - Level 2

Hi @lenydasilva ,


The answer is yes. For that what you need to do is:

1. Create a 2 level connected list in list management with the above structure as you shown.

2. Add that connected list to allocation form.

3. In accounting structure - Use those 2 allocation fields to create accounting structure. 

4. Under Account codes - under main ledger >> add sub ledgers (2 levels) as shown below.

Note - please ignore my allocation field labels. Assume it is a sub ledger field name.



5. Now define different account codes under main ledger (SAP) and sub ledger (level 1 and level 2).

6. Create expense report with expense entry and do 50-50% allocation. While allocation, user can select different sub ledger (level1 and level 2) for each allocation entry. (sample screenshot as shown below)

Note - I have taken same sub ledger as you given in your previous response for your easy understanding.

7. Submit and approve expense report from all level. Once fully approved, extract it and place it into SAE extract template and check account codes as shown below:







If this answers your query, then please mark solution as accepted.


