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New Member - Level 1

Cancelld trip issues. Trip could not be cancelled through concur


I had booked a trip in November (train and hotel) for a 2-nights stay on 16 and 17th of February (last week). End of January, due to change of the seminar, that I would physically attend, into webinar, I had to cancel my trip. That was not possible through Concur, since the following error message poped up. I tried several times and on different days.


Concur cancellation issue.jpg


Since I couldn't cancel my trip through Concur I contacted bcdtravel and they did it for me (I received a cancellation confirmation email). Now that I never appeared in the hotel and no transaction through my AMEX card was made, I get a warning message when preparing a report in which I would explain in the comments that I request no refund since the hotel reservation had been cancelled. In this report I implement the train payment and refund due to cancellation as well so that I include all the trip-related transactions information. 



First of all, should I proceed with such report or could somebody from Concur delete my trip and end of story? Or could I just delete all expenses?

If I should proceed with a report what are the steps to take?


Thank you in advance.
