Occasional Member - Level 1

Airbnb not allowed in Policy

Any suggestions on Audit Rules to identify an Airbnb stay? We currently dont allow it in our Policy

Frequent Member - Level 1


how the lodging booking is performed within your company? Online booking tool? via a Travel Agency?

If so, options for Airbnb should be already excluded, so not possibility for employees booking it. Otherwise, your company allows employees to book their accommodation out of the travel agency or online tool, it would be difficult to automatically trigger those bookings.


Kind Regards

Alessandro Munari
Occasional Member - Level 1

Thank you Alessandro for your response!


Lodging is through a Travel Agency, but we also allow employees to reimburse if booked outside. 

Frequent Member - Level 1

@ALALVIDREZ as far as your company allows to book outside the travel agency, it is a hard job to find Airbnb booking. 

I would push more the need to book via the company's channels. To have employees booking outside, it can be risky, also in case of unfortunate events. As a small example, in 2016 terrorist attack at the Brussel airport, we had to be able to locate all employees that were travelling via that airport and hotel stay. No having a view of where employees may be, it can be risky and unsafe for the employees too. 

Kind Regards

Alessandro Munari
Routine Member - Level 1

Our travel policy recently changed to not allow AirBnb for travel. Since we do not yet use a travel management company or agency, I am hoping to create an audit rule on expense entry to now allow the user to move forward in their report when vendor is Airbnb. Employees were required to sign that they read understood the changes in policy, including an emphasized area regarding Airbnb (it's been an issue at our company due to international travel and liability). I'm not sure how effective our new rule will be but hoping it handles the issue. 

Community Manager
Community Manager

@ALALVIDREZ best option is what @AliciaHansen mentioned. Create an audit rule that looks for vendor AirBnB. However, if booked and paid for on a personal card, the vendor field would not auto-populate and anything could be entered into this field. Then the onus would be on approvers to check receipts to see if it was an Air BnB stay.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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