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Hi all, is there a way to get invoices from our TMC for flights uploaded to available expenses in Concur? Our auditing team doesn't accept the ghost card ereceipts and so we would like to have the TMC invoices uploaded automatically.
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@williamba who receives the ghost card transactions? Also, are users that do the bookings not receiving the itinerary into the Available Expenses?
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Hi Kevin, the itinerary does feed into available expenses, however, what happens is the employees will upload that ghost card transaction receipt into their expense report and then have their report sent back as that receipt is not accepted by our finance team. Our finance team wants the invoice from our TMC that is currently only emailed to the travelers. Is there a way to get that emailed invoice auto uploaded from the TMC to available expenses?
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Just my 2p worth.
I understand you want a direct feed from the TMC to Concur Expense. I believe this is possible via SAP Concur API's. If I am right this would be developement and likely a paid project. Perhaps go via your SAP Concur contractual contact or SAP Concur support.
That said it's easy for the traveller to forward the TMC email (it must be an attachment not a image in the email) to their SAP Concur Expense account. They could even set up an email rule that did this automatically. I understand this is a workaround but just in case.