Occasional Member - Level 2

A credit card transaction was imported as "out of pocket"

A credit card transaction has appeared in Concur, but the payment type is listed as 'out of pocket.' Could you advise on how to correct this? Thanks!


Occasional Member - Level 3

HI @gzhang

Does the issue persist even after unassigning and reassigning the problematic Entry in the Report?

Frequent Member - Level 1


If you move the expense from a report to Available Expenses (if you haven't already), what is the Expense Source for this expense?  I'm betting it will be something other than a credit card.

Occasional Member - Level 2

Thank you! The expense is listed as an available expense and was automatically generated by the system as it is a card transaction. There are a few transactions in the card statement, but only this expense was incorrectly marked as out-of-pocket.

Occasional Member - Level 2

It was automatically corrected by the system, now the payment type shows Diners Card. 

Frequent Member - Level 1

I expect what happened is that this was an expense initially created from an e-receipt, travel booking or similar.  Once the card transaction arrived, Concur combined it with the existing expense and updated the Payment Type.