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Routine Member - Level 2

Send Email to Other user when Request is Fully Approved

Has anyone successfully structured your Request workflow to send an email to someone other than the approver but only after the Request has been fully approved?  We have several steps in our workflow for different dollar thresholds to route a Request and initially we had the Send Email action at the Manager Approval step but that was sending the notifications before the manager actually approved the Request.  Can we create a specific Step in the workflow that will not require any action and just store all the Send Email actions?

Thomas Stagliano, M.I.T.
SAP Concur Employee
SAP Concur Employee

Hi @tstagliano 


Without knowing all of the details, I would say the answer to your question is yes, you can create a step that is simply there to house the email rules. You’d create one rule that tells the system to skip that step 100% of the time, such as when the Employee ID is not blank, and then create the rest of the rules to send any emails you need.


With that said, I do not recommend using that approach, as it can make the configuration a bit more difficult to troubleshoot and may add items to the audit trail that don’t need to be there. Instead, I would utilize a feature that is unique to the Concur Request: the ability to configure a workflow rule to trigger as the request leaves the step, as opposed to when it arrives at the step.


For the rules that send the emails in question, simply select the Evaluate on Exit Step checkbox and click Save. See the image below. If the step has multiple rules, I would order them so these rules are the last in line.


Request Worfklow Rule.png


If I understand your issue correctly, this should solve the problem.




Grant Chase - Senior Product and Solution Learning Specialist - SAP Learning
Routine Member - Level 2

@GrantC   I have tried to select that checkbox on my Send Email steps, but i am getting this error message when trying to save the workflow.    my send email rules purely just look at Employee Group or Cost Object Code/Request Policy to send to a certain user.  Thoughts?



Thomas Stagliano, M.I.T.
SAP Concur Employee
SAP Concur Employee

@tstagliano That is disappointing. I'll be honest in that I have never tested the feature, just saw it there and read the documentation, which makes no mention of the limitation of possible actions. With that limitation in place, I would either go with your first approach or add the send email rule to the next step in the process, if there is one.


Grant Chase - Senior Product and Solution Learning Specialist - SAP Learning