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New Member - Level 1

Concur Detect and Oversight

I'm curious if anyone has experience with Concur Detect and/or Oversight.  What was the implementation timeline and complexity?  Was it worth the effor?  How well is it working?

Occasional Member - Level 2

I am also curious about this.  While my company has not yet signed on with Concur, I have included Detect as a "must have" in all of my analysis and proposals.  So, I would love to hear real user feedback.

New Member - Level 1

We've been using Oversight for about five years.  It was a very easy implementation, I'd say only a few weeks, mostly for gathering information, deciding what to choose, and making updates.  It has significantly reduced our out-of-pocket spend, which was a priority due to our corporate card program.  It also easily identifies duplicate reimbursements that we have been able to recoup. 

Occasional Member - Level 1

We're just completing our implementation of Oversight.  Agree with previous comments that implementation has gone smoothly and we are already seeing the benefits.  We were waiting on a response from Concur but some of you may be able to respond. 

We are needing some assistance in what our option are with regards to workflow in both timing, and at which step the Oversight process happens. Would appreciate connecting with those of you using Oversight.   How are you inserting Oversight into your workflow? I know Oversight feeds back in an exception code to indicate their analysis is done. Is there any option to hold a report at a certain workflow step until that exception is received and only then allow it to advance? Would be happy to connect outside this forum if you provide contact details. Thanks and good luck to those of you considering Detect or Oversight.  

Occasional Member - Level 3

Can you provide an update on Oversight now that you are past the implementation phase?   Curiuos also on the cost of Oversight vs. Detect.  Thank you in advance.

Occasional Member - Level 3

Oversight not Detect.  Implementation was not a huge undertaking if I remember correctly.  Our adjusting the parameters to what data we needed to target and our procedures of working the data was a lengthier process, but still not overly difficult.   Well, worth the effort.

Occasional Member - Level 3

We used Appzen (or Concur Detect) for more than 2 years. I don't have experience with Oversight.
We like Appzen, after one year we expanded from North America to all global regions. Appzen implementation is very easy, it could be done in couple weeks. It help us to save a lot on non compliant expenses.

Hi! We are preparing to implement; however, we are looking for feedback on lessons learned. Would you be willing to chat offline?

Occasional Member - Level 2

We just went live with Concur Detect on July 1st.  I found the implementation to be straight forward.  It took us 8 weeks and we started in late April.  We made a few configuration adjustments during testing and a few more after being on the platform for one month.


For us it has highlighted some training opportunities, unauthorized expenses, and duplicates.  Only one month in and our spend is very abnormal due to Covid, so I imagine I'll be reviewing/tweaking for the next few months.

Hi! I work for BD and we are looking to connect with other clients who are using Detect and hear lessons learned. We have heard, from Concur, it is relatively easy to implent but want actual experience from other companies. Would you be willing to chat offline?  

Routine Member - Level 1

We are an organization of about 1,300 employees and we support the travel (in typical times) of about another 700 users. We implemented Detect (by AppZen) and used it for about a year. We found it to be very labor-intensive and very error-prone. We ran into a great number of false positives (e.g., software purchases being reported as alcohol). It was costing us significant sums of money in labor hours to manage it (in addition to the subscription cost) and we were seeing very little savings from it. I could envision it working well for much bigger organizations if they're able to remedy the false positives but the benefit was just not there for our organization. We've been very happy with most Concur products but for us, Detect was a total bust. Can't comment on the Oversight version of Detect. 

Justin Wild
Concur Administrator
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Routine Member - Level 1

We have been using App Zen and I do find it is good for finding duplicates, but agree that the number of false flags is a pain. So far its helpful, but I wouldnt say its amazing. 

Occasional Member - Level 2

App Zen some how detects alcohol spend at Chic - fil - A, which I think that we can all say is a false statement

Angie Patton
Occasional Member - Level 3

We had a similar experience with "Alcohol" on a car rental.

Occasional Member - Level 1

We implemented Detect earlier this year and it took about 8 weeks overall. 


The most consuming part was to have expense type in Concur mapped to the right Appzen expense type with threshold. It is challeging if you have a lot of currencies and rules in the system. 

Are you a global company? How many currencies are you supporting today?

Occasional Member - Level 3



We had Oversight then moved to Detect to keep everything under SAP Concur. It seemed great in the beginning to have a tool that would help us move towards Auto Approvals, using the low-medium-high risk score ranking. But Detect has been a nightmare, their configuration setup is horrendous and time consuming. Simple things like "comments" do not feed into Detect. We have a laundry list of items....We have run into so many issues with Detect and to top it off, Concur support is not able to provide proper support. They are not specialized in Detect and we always have delays in support or just bad support in general. We started going straight to Appzen but they said since we purchased Detect, we have to work with SAP Concur support.  

Occasional Member - Level 1

@Rman68 wrote:



We had Oversight then moved to Detect to keep everything under SAP Concur. It seemed great in the beginning to have a tool that would help us move towards Auto Approvals, using the low-medium-high risk score ranking. But Detect has been a nightmare, their configuration setup is horrendous and time consuming. Simple things like "comments" do not feed into Detect. We have a laundry list of items....We have run into so many issues with Detect and to top it off, Concur support is not able to provide proper support. They are not specialized in Detect and we always have delays in support or just bad support in general. We started going straight to Appzen but they said since we purchased Detect, we have to work with SAP Concur support.  

I would try to talk to AppZen again! Appzen reached out to me a few months back saying that they can now talk to Detect clients  directly and my expeiernce has completely changed with it. Configurations that before I was told isnt possible have been done within minutes talking directly with AppZen.

We are much happier with Detect than we were with Oversight. We have been able to catch/correct so much more. My suggestion is also to speak to either a Concur Detect specialist or AppZen directly as there have been enhancements that you may have missed. I spoke to someone at Concur in December and voiced one of my biggest issues that I wished was an enhancement. They told me that it was possible and made a suggestion that had not been an option at implementation.  I made the change and it has made my life so much easier. I also love the ability to add/adjust rejection notices as needed. We had a receipt issue due to an Adobe issue and I was able to reject the reports and provide the instructions on how to fix. I would have never been able to do that with Oversight. I liked Oversight but they gave me to many needles from my haystack. Detect's AI is able to differentiate and learn which provides me with the needles I really need to look at.

Occasional Member - Level 3

Hi tvarner - would you please provide details on the 'biggest issue' you had and what change you made? I am about to implement Detect and would like all the information I can get from those that implemented before me.


Thank you

Occasional Member - Level 2

We have been a Concur Detect customer for a year.  Nice product, but it could do with some general enhancements, such as the ability to view multiple cost center allocations in the tool. Currently we are only able to see the cost center allocation for the 1st expense line. Most of our expense reports have multiple lines, and the expenses could be allocated to multiple cost centers.