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Hello guys,
I'm using the BADI BADI_CTE_FIN_POST_ADJUST_DOC, I made an adjustment in the ADJUST_AD_POSTING_DOCUMENT method, in order to allow posting in the special ledger, however the system is presenting me with an error message Accounting Interface: Balance in Transaction Currency 100.00- (BRL). Message RW033.
Has anyone been through this?
Metodo Adjust_ad_posting_document:
LOOP AT ct_accit ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<l_fs_accit>).
IF <l_fs_accit>-bschl EQ '31'.
<l_fs_accit>-bschl = '39'.
<l_fs_accit>-umskz = 'A' "CODIGO CME.
DELETE ct_accit INDEX sy-tabix. " Remove debit line
"Remove debit line
LOOP AT ct_acccr ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<l_fs_acccr>).
IF <l_fs_acccr>-wrbtr GT 0.
DELETE ct_acccr INDEX sy-tabix.
Message error
Accounting Interface: Balance in Transaction Currency 100,00- (BRL)
Message no. RW033
The balances in transaction currency must be zero for each logical transaction when transferring to the FI/CO interface. A balance of " 100,00-" "BRL" was determined for the logical transaction "".
System Response
The FI/CO interface does not process any transactions which have a balance in transaction currency other than zero.
This is a system error in the calling application.