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Occasional Member - Level 1

I need a receipt

Where can I find a receipt for air travel booked through Concur with a credit card listed on my profile?  It would be great if it automatically showed up under my expenses but I'd settle for just being able to find it somewhere in the software.  Right now I can only get an itinerary with the estimated cost.   Also, the estimated cost is only for the travel and does not include the fee Concur charges for booking.  Also, the estimated fee includes the car rental. I have a separate receipt for that, I just need one for the airfaire (and one for the Concur fee).  

Community Manager
Community Manager

@heyitsmewill I have a couple of questions for you:

1. Do you have an assigned company credit card? If so, have you added it to your Concur Travel profile?

2. Have you turned on E-receipts for the credit card listed on your Concur Travel profile? If not, turning this on will get you what you are asking for, which is a receipt to automatically upload to your Available Expenses.


I'll await your reply to my questions. 🙂

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

No and no (not an option). But we do have an agency we work through and they were able to give me a receipt.  

