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Occasional Member - Level 2

How to add multiple expense items to a vendor/invoice template


I am trying to set up our Invoice Module and am wanting to set up  multiple expense types to one invoice as a favorite that is available with every incoming invoice from that vendor. Is this possible? Let me know and how. Thanks in advance.


SAP Concur Employee
SAP Concur Employee

Hi @TrishC


Currently it's only possible to map one default expense type to a vendor. Invoices that come in for that vendor will use the default expense type, & if an invoice comes in that needs a different expense type, the default can be adjusted on the invoice line item.


The instructions for how to do this can be located in the Concur Training Toolkit. If you're not sure how to navigate there, click the ? > Invoice Administration Help > Resources for Administrators > Concur Training Toolkit. Once in the Concur Training Toolkit, click Invoice > Administrator. The resource you're looking for is Vendor Manager - Manage Default Expense type


I hope that helps!



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