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Occasional Member - Level 3

Individual Meal Expense Types

I'm interested in best practices for Individual Meal Expense Types.  


Do you have one expense type for Individual Meals, or are they split by meal type? (Ex. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner have their own expense types).


If split, is it due to policy limits per meal, or for a different reason?


We currently have them split, but are considering consolidating, as we do not have any meal limits.  Wondering if there's a downside to consolidation we may be missing. 


Thankful for any insight, best practices, or lessons learned.


Thank you! 

Occasional Member - Level 2

There's no downside to consolidating the individual meal expenses.  Limits can be enforced using audit rules if using a single expense type to capture BLD.  The main reason to use separate expense types is if different GL accounts are assigned to each or organizational preference.