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Expense report in Concur for Cash advance on Company Card

Any sample expense reports are available for expense reports for ATM CASH ON COMPANY CARD

Community Manager
Community Manager

@VINAYA are you asking to see an example of an expense report that has ATM Cash On Company Card?

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SAP Concur Community Manager
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SAP Concur Employee
SAP Concur Employee

@VINAYA Hello!  I do not have an example report per se, but I do have this: 


As per your company’s current cash advance and corporate card settings, ATM withdrawals are imported in Concur as Cash Advances. In order to match these withdrawals against incurred travel expenses, these cash advances have to be assigned to your expense reports. Once assigned to a report, any cash expenses added to that report will be automatically deducted from its outstanding balance. Any residual balance can also be accounted for by adding the expense type “Cash Advance Return”.

You can find below a demonstration of how to assign and return ATM cash advances:



  1. Create a new report, fill out the required fields and click Next.
  2. If you have outstanding ATM cash advances, you will be prompted to assign one to your report 
  3. Select the cash advance(s) you want to assign to the report and click Assign Cash Advance to Report.
  4. Click Next.
Now, when you open the report, you should see your outstanding cash advance balance (see image below), and you should be able to select the Cash Advance Return expense type.



As per your company’s current cash advance and corporate card settings, ATM withdrawals are imported in Concur as Cash Advances. In order to match these withdrawals against incurred travel expenses, these cash advances have to be assigned to your expense reports. Once assigned to a report, any cash expenses added to that report will be automatically deducted from its outstanding balance. Any residual balance can also be accounted for by adding the expense type “Cash Advance Return”.

You can find below a demonstration of how to assign and return ATM cash advances:



  1. Create a new report, fill out the required fields and click Next.
  2. If you have outstanding ATM cash advances, you will be prompted to assign one to your report 
  3. Select the cash advance(s) you want to assign to the report and click Assign Cash Advance to Report.
  4. Click Next.
Now, when you open the report, you should see your outstanding cash advance balance (see image below), and you should be able to select the Cash Advance Return expense type.



When adding Cash expenses (not Corporate Card expenses) to a report to which a cash advance has been assigned, the amount will be automatically deducted from your outstanding balance, as in the example below:


You can click on the blue icon next to your Outstanding Advance to display more information about cash advances assigned to the report, which can then be unassigned from the report. See image below:




  1. Click New Expense or select the Cash Advance Return expense type from the list to the right
  2. Under Expense Type, make sure Cash Advance Return is selected
  3. Enter the amount you would like to return and under Payment Type select Cash
  4. Save the expense

Notice your Cash Advance Return has been deducted from your Outstanding Advance (see image below):





Cash Advances need to be assigned to a report before they can be used/returned.
Additional Information
  • Depending on your site's configuration, you might be able to exclude a cash expense from your Cash Advance by checking the checkbox Exclude from Cash Advance in the expense entry.
  • Corporate card expenses cannot be matched against your Cash Advance balance
  • For more information about handling remaining cash advance balances: How can we use the remaining balance in Cash Advances?
  • You can assign/unassign cash advances to a report at any moment before report submission by clicking on Details>Cash Advances(Available/Assigned)
  • Please note that your cash advance, even when fully utilized/returned, will still show on your Cash Advances List as active and issued. A fully utilized/returned cash advance will only be marked as complete after the reports to which it was assigned have been extracted.


Remember to tag me if you respond or feel free to mark this post as Solved if you don't have further questions or comments. To tag me on your response, you click the Reply button, first thing to type is @. This should bring up the username of the person you are replying to.


Thank you,
Melanie Taufen
SAP Concur Community Moderator
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