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Occasional Member - Level 2

Business/ Expense Description Issue

Hello, I have been facing issue while submitting big reports as the Business description from the previous expense get copied to the new expense line item that is added. Since the business description is already added, submitter misses to update the correct description related tp that particular expense. Is there a setting in Concur to disable this feature?

Community Manager
Community Manager

@sg1194 in our Standard Edition it cannot be turned off, but we do have a work around.


This feature cannot be turned off in the Standard Edition of SAP Concur. However, there is a workaround to hide the Business Purpose field and create a new Custom Field instead, replacing the original Business Purpose field. To do this, please follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Administration > Expense Settings
  2. Under the Capturing Spend heading, click on the Edit button next to Expense Types for Expenses
  3. Click on tab 3: Expense Forms
  4. Click on each Business Purpose and set them to Hidden

The next step is to create a Custom Field for Business Purpose by going to:

  1. Administration > Expense Settings
  2. Under the Capturing Spend heading, click on the Edit button next to Custom Fields
  3. Click on the Add a Custom Field button at the top
  4. Select Free-form Text and follow the steps to create the Custom Field
  5. Set the visibility settings to Hidden on the report header level and Required/Optional for Expense Entry and Allocation

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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SAP Concur Employee
SAP Concur Employee

@sg1194 Most likely what is happening is the field is set to copy to the next expense.  This can be changed so it will not under Administration > Expense > Forms and Fields.  If you have any issues updating that or do not have permissions, you will want to reach out to Support. I will send you a private message with the link for Support. 


Remember to tag me if you respond or feel free to mark this post as Solved if you don't have further questions or comments. To tag me on your response, you click the Reply button, first thing to type is @. This should bring up the username of the person you are replying to.




Thank you,
Melanie Taufen
SAP Concur Community Moderator
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