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What happened to "View all available receipts"? This new layout is aggressively terrible
This has completely disrupted the entire workflow I was using to process expenses easily on the computer. I cannot even wrap my head around what the people designing this were thinking. What happened to my ability to "View all available receipts" in one place?? Where I could then click on each one, see what it was/the amount, create a new expense from there in the left panel while simultaneously viewing the receipt in the right hand panel.
This is absolutely awful. I used to tell all my new hires that expenses with concur were actually not that tedious, it was a very easy process, etc. Not any more.
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Agree one hundred percent. I just wish people would stop effing with things that work. There is now a lot of back and forth between pages and no longer an icon indicating that the Concur match is in so... how do I know??
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Okay, so I think I have the answer to the matching bit after perusing another post. Apparently, it won't transfer into your report unless it's matched. The new layout still sucks though. I liked the split panels to see everything as the first post mentioned. Once again forced to "get used to it" lose features, and take steps backward in usability.
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@karakitt and @sabern01 I know our development and user experience teams are currently working on making receipt attachment easier. I believe they are currently working on bringing back the drag and drop. I don't know the timeline or what this will look like, but it should make receipt attachment faster.
Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Kevin, I'm not familiar with the "drag and drop" feature you're referring to (the return of which you're suggesting will solve my problem). I want to be able to:
1) view all my available receipts in a gallery
2) click on a receipt to view it within a viewing pane within the same window (i.e. not as a pop-up or something of that ilk)
3) then be able to click "add new expense" leaving that receipt open in the right hand viewing pane while creating a left hand viewing pane for the expense entry boxes
4) repeat this workflow for all receipts in my gallery
Until this exact functionality is returned to Concur, and as long as these ridiculous pop-ups continue to be a feature of the new UI, I will remain unsatisfied with these changes.
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Absolutely agree. I want to view all available receipts, then make an expense report item for that receipt.
This current iteration is back to the dark ages, for me. Absolutely unusable!!
I sent all my receipts via email, into Concur, and now I cannot access them, unless I have a new expense item created first. HORRIBLE customer experience. BIG step backwards.
I joined this forum just to be able to post this.
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@Receiptonator see my reply on your other post. Good thing you joined this community or you wouldn't have know that what you are asking for is coming. 🙂
Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Hi Kevin
I appreciate that you can only pass on information. This is now 3 weeks old and still horrible, It doesn't matter if a fix is coming when you need to do expenses today. Can we not have them allow us to stay with the old format until the new format is not a nightmare?
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Agree 100%, Only reason I joined as well.
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Thank you @KevinD, much appreciated. I just struggle to understand how they could ship an upgrade without such a crucial feature. There have easily been hundreds of man hours lost as a result within my organization, let alone across the Concur customer base.
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Sometimes you need to use the same receipt twice: example right now I have an airline receipt for airfare that auto attached to the ticket expense... but that same ticket has a fee associated that I need to account for, because concur has itemized. I don't have away to reuse the receipt from the airfare it appears, other than going back to that expense, screenshotting it or snipping it, saving it, and uploading. This is so much extra work 😞
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@mmacready I get that, but our Legacy UI had the same behavior when it comes to e-receipts. They auto-match to the reservation and corporate card transactions. Receipt images that could be reused on other entries were those that you had saved locally on your computer. As long as I've been here at SAP Concur (almost 14 years now), I've never seen the ability to reuse and e-receipt.
Does your company require a receipt for the airline fee?
I would have likely handled the receipt for the fee the same way you did, as it would have been the only way to get a copy of the auto-attached receipt.
Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Hi @KevinD ,
I think you are missing the point of what he and others (including to be myself by the end of this reply) are saying. The issue is that we used to have a panel that clearly showed all of our receipts. Now that is gone and there is no way that I can see on how to start with the receipt and work our way backwards. I have all of my expenses automatically imported, so typically all I have to do is match up the receipts with the expenses. This used to be a snap, as I would go through all of the receipts and then match it up to the expense. NOW, I have to go through each expense one-by-one and then try and find out which receipt goes to it, by looking at an extremely grainy thumbnail.
This has caused an absurd amount of time added to the monthly process, and every member of my team that I've spoken to has had the same complaint. I've only joined to also add my voice of concern to please be passed along to the Dev team. I work with several other software developers, and it is a very common practice to Beta test new designs prior to rolling them out. We should have been given the option to try out the new layout or roll back to the legacy layout. This was a major step in the wrong direction, not only for the layout of the site, but operationally as a company as well. It's been several weeks, and I'm already seeing several complaints. I know this isn't on you, but hopefully you can provide some of us with a better idea of when something might go live. I'm glad to see that I am not alone in needing that receipt gallery on the same screen as the expenses.
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@BigSwig Our product team is working on the Receipt Library and the ability to see all your receipts like you could before with the ability to drag and drop. All I was told is that this feature is planned (cannot guarantee) by end of the year.
Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Your team is working on bringing back the drop and drag!?!? How about - if it isn't broken, don't fix it!! Your team apparently doesn't work day to day in expense reports for multiple people. Your design team should be redesigned! Really, just give us the option of going back to the old layout. Horrible that so many of us are here, creating accounts to complain - isn't that telling SAP something? I am bringing this to my executives and I will be suggesting a change in platforms. I've been using Concur for YEARS and have trained many on how great and easy it is. Now, I'll be suggesting we leave the platform for it's lack caring about the end user and the hours and hours you have just added to my work week.
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Try and make this a priority. This is a very painful process. and what is up with having to expand the screen on the left hand side.
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Please fix ASAP as this is disrupting my team's ability to quickly complete their reports. SHOCKING CHANGE!
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I absolutely agree, the number of clicks, additional pop ups to new fields, the number of steps required to edit, the scrolling, the lack of access to receipt images--this is truly impossible for those of us managing multiple executives and expenses. Whomever creates these updates needs to consult with end users- this is carpal tunnel inducing, tedious, and a HUGE time drain. This needs to be immediately rectified. Please restore the classic view. I am very curious as to what drove this decision to "upgrade" but it could not have been coming from those that actually use the system.
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The fewer clicks the better. I don't understand who thought of this new design, but we're at the point where we're exploring alternatives. Absolutely ridiculous.
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Unfortunately I agree with the complaints, the new user interface is lacking critical functionality... from what I am experiencing personally and confirmed by many other users' feedbacks, it is now impossible for me to look at receipts on the same screen before choosing an expense type? In other words, you have to memorize all the receipts you uploaded? or keep switching back and forth between functions? This makes no sense. Please fix this as soon as possible, thank you.
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I absolutely hate the new layout. Cost me time on a Saturday morning just trying to get things entered. They should have made the update a choice, I would have stayed with the old layout. Concur definitely dropped the ball on this.