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Occasional Member - Level 1

Import company credit card transactions?

We just changed credit card programs to one that does not provide an automatic feed into Concur.  Does anyone else import their own credit card transactions into Concur?  Any best practices on doing it?

Frequent Member - Level 1

dear @CairoKolton 


I am not sure of the choice your company made, as it is one of the main advantages for employees to have an automatic feed for not entering all details and for the company to keep an eye on the spending avoiding in addition double expenses. 


In 2007, on my first implementation, we started without having a card implemented, but we did within a few months... I never heard the opposite way (from having a corporate card to not having one). My assumption is that maybe the card provider now was giving inconvenient service so I would have look other providers.


In all cases, if may help, you could still have individual feed into concur by registering your personal card, if you and other employee wished:


Kind Regards

Alessandro Munari
Occasional Member - Level 3


Do you mean import of personal cc?

If yes then it is possible in the current version but in Newgen it will be retired.


Abhijit Kar