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Occasional Member - Level 2

Fixed Meals Correction!

Hello everyone 🙂

Could you please help me? 

One of my colleagues has submitted Fixed Meals lines with the wrong amount (Germany) and her report has already been approved and sent for payment - so there is no way to delete these specific lines. 

Can she create Miscellaneous category expenses with negative amount in her new report (providing a comment - Fixed Meals Correction) and submit it to even out the balance?

Thanks a lot in advance for answering!

Frequent Member - Level 1

dear @cherepudlo 

You are correct on saying that now is too late to modify, as report is gone already for payment.

Is it possible to enter a negative line in Concur as cash, using an expense type however your colleague would need at least the same or higher amount of other expense as cash covering the negative.. HOWEVER as Meals allowance are a benefit for employees in Germany and not taxable is a bit more complicated as is not the same expense type and most likely they do not have the same GL account. For most expense type all will be fine, but Travel allowance, I wouldn't try to adjust within the Concur system.


My suggestion would be based on how much this person has accidentally expensed, because if we are talking a few euros based on travel within Germany, she could next time to select for example "Meals provided" where before she forgot to select it... Otherwise if it was a big mistake, example multiple day trip abroad, where meals were provided and she marked as not provided, I would consider to have it done manually through accounting, if they are the one that finalize and approve the payment, otherwise if payment is all automatic coordinate with Payroll but I wouldn't try to adjust the Concur system. Did you also discuss with those 2 departments?




Kind Regards

Alessandro Munari
Occasional Member - Level 2

thank You so much!! She has added those lines by accident, meaning that amount is not going to be claimed (those meals were never provided). That is why she just wanted to delete them. 

So I assume if meals were not provided - she can balance the amount out by submitting negative amount? (She has a higher amount covering negative)

Frequent Member - Level 1

sorry @cherepudlo 

I understood that she submitted additional Fixed Meals within her expense report. It is not advisable in this case to enter additional expenses as negative since are not the same expense type, but if your accounting department and payroll are fine with it, I would too, but I would for sure check with them for confirmation. 

Kind Regards

Alessandro Munari
Occasional Member - Level 3


Technically it is possible to submit the report with a negative amount but not recommend, it will be better if the employee refunds the extra amount, and entries are done in the ERP system outside Concur.

Occasional Member - Level 2

hello @abhijit ! thanks a lot. no no, it will not be a negative-amount-report. She has higher expenses  in there, so adding negative Fixed Meals correction will only decrease the total amount.