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Occasional Member - Level 2

Electric Vehicle Mileage or Stipend Reimbiursement

Good morning, 


I am seeking assistance with options available for electric vehicle charging or mileage reimbursement.  We are imminently converting 10% of our fleet to PHEV vehicles and need to sort out how we would reimbursement for charging.  Open to all suggestions! 


Initial thoughts were to recommend once a day charging at home for a full charge which would take 8kw for 5 hours. 

Frequent Member - Level 1

dear @jasong1989 


Considering that mileage doesn't cover ONLY fuel cost but maintenance, tires and insurance, I would keep mileage reimbursement as there are also some tax related matter behind this. Until governments (maybe there are some that do it already) make an official reimbursement rates for electric vehicles, I personally don't see room to change this in a travel policy. On those matters I would also reach out to local country payroll rules on what would be the impact to change those standards. 

Kind Regards

Alessandro Munari
Occasional Member - Level 2

So thats exactly an issue we could encounter a mileage reimbursement would most likely be overpaying - we currently pay for maintenance, etc through direct billing with our FMC.  Any information on monthly flat reimbursement for charging?

Super User
Super User

Being a Fleet Administrator also, I can tell you that there is no set way to calculate this.  Some companies are installing meters and reimbursing for used electric in that fashion and that is the most accurate.  With a PHEV, the best way to operate this vehicle is to plug in and recharge, only using fuel when needed.  However, with a general assumption of charging, how can you be sure the vehicle is being plugged in every night?  A meter system on the charger may be your best option for an accurate reimbursement .  If you have a fleet mgr, they should be able to direct you as to what are the options.

Nancy Murray