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Occasional Member - Level 3

Certain Expense Types for Specific User ONLY

We have a set of Concur expense types for all our Concur users, now we have a request to have certain expense types visible ONLY for specific Concur users, such as our CEO and authorized users, no other users can see and access those specific expense types.


Is there a way in Concur setups to meet this request?


If changing Concur expense type setups cannot do it, what are the options ?




Frequent Member - Level 2

Hi @qinwei,


Professional Edition: 


There are 2 options:


1. Create new policy (applicable only for CEO and authorized users):

  • If you do so, then you can set up policy wise specific expense type list which will be available only under this new policy. For other users since they are not authorized to use this policy, they won't be able to see those expense types.
  • Even if they select this new policy then you can write a custom audit rule where you will check if employee is not (CEO or authorized user) and policy selected as 'new policy' then trigger error message which will restrict user from selecting wrong policy.
  • If you don't want to give policy selection option to users, then you can create separate employee group and assign new policy as default policy for the newly created employee group. However, if you choose this option then you need to update this newly created employee group in CEO and authorized user's employee profile. Once this is done, CEO and authorized users will only see new policy by default and the custom expense types assigned to that policy.  In this case, whatever existing audit rules are available/newly created that needs to be assigned to this newly created group if applicable. 


2. Create new expense types and assign into existing policy (for all employees including CEO and authorized users - current setup as is):

  • create new expense types and activate for the existing policy.
  • Write custom audit rule where you can check whether employee NOT = (CEO or authorized user) and selected expense type IS ANY = (custom new expense type) then trigger hard stop. This rule will ensure that other users won't be able to use those custom expense types in their report. However, those expense types will be visible to all. 



  • I would recommend using option 2 if expense type count is within 5-10. Only for 5-10 expense types there is no point to create separate policy. 
  • If you go with option 2, then other thing you can do is like you can create separate expense type category/section such as 'only applicable for CEO and authorized users' and under that category you can assign all those custom expense type which will be self-explanatory for other users to understand that those expense types are not for them to use. (refer below screenshot)
  • If count is more then, you can think of option 1. 



If this answers your query, then please mark solution as accepted.




Community Manager
Community Manager

@qinwei I believe the second option suggested by @PoojaKumatkar is something you could do without help from Concur Support. In addition to needing help from Concur Support for option 1, it would likely cost you money to get a whole new policy created. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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